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spring data jpa 自定义查询自动解析
上善若水2021-01-29 13:38:45【java技术交流】 3386人已围观
简介JpaRepositoryg会自动解析编写的接口,直接实现里面的方法.直接调用直接可用,还是非常强大的.规则: findBy(关键字)+属性名称(属性名称的首字母大写)+查询条件(首字母大写)
public interface ArticleRepository extends JpaRepository<Article, Integer> {
List<Article> findByTitle(String title);
List<Article> findByTitleLike(String title);
List<Article> findByCreateTimeBetween(LocalDateTime start, LocalDateTime end);
List<Article> findByCreateTimeGreaterThanEqual(LocalDateTime start);
List<Article> findByCreateTimeNotNull();
public void testFindByTitle(){
List<Article> articles = articleRepository.findByTitle("该如何才能成功");
public void testFindByTitleLike(){
List<Article> articles = articleRepository.findByTitleLike("该如何"+'%');
public void testFindByCreateTimeBetween(){
LocalDateTime start=LocalDateTime.of(2019, Month.DECEMBER,17,16,39,44);
LocalDateTime end=LocalDateTime.parse("2020-12-17 16:39:44", DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"));
List<Article> articles = articleRepository.findByCreateTimeBetween(start,end);
public void testFindByCreateTimeCreateTimeAfter(){
LocalDateTime start=LocalDateTime.of(2019, Month.DECEMBER,17,16,39,44);
List<Article> articles = articleRepository.findByCreateTimeGreaterThanEqual(start);
public void testFindByCreateTimeNotNull(){
List<Article> articles = articleRepository.findByCreateTimeNotNull();
关键字 | 方法命名 | sql where 字句 |
And | findByNameAndPwd | where name= ? and pwd =? |
Or | findByNameOrSex | where name= ? or sex=? |
Is,Equal | findById, | findByIdEquals |
Between | findByIdBetween | where id between ? and ? |
LessThan | findByIdLessThan | where id < ? |
LessThanEqual | findByIdLessThanEquals | where id <= ? |
GreaterThan | findByIdGreaterThan | where id > ? |
GreaterThanEqual | findByIdGreaterThanEquals | where id > = ? |
After | findByIdAfter | where id > ? |
Before | findByIdBefore | where id < ? |
IsNull | findByNameIsNull | where name is null |
isNotNull,Not Null | findByNameNotNull | where name is not |
Like | findByNameLike | where name like ? |
NotLike | findByNameNotLike | where name not like ? |
StartingWith | findByNameStartingWith | where name like ‘?%’ |
EndingWith | findByNameEndingWith | where name like ‘%?’ |
Containing | findByNameContaining | where name like ‘%?%’ |
OrderBy | findByIdOrderByXDesc | where id=? order by x desc |
Not | findByNameNot | where name <> ? |
In | findByIdIn(Collection<?> c) | where id in (?) |
NotIn | findByIdNotIn(Collection<?> c) | where id not in (?) |
TRUE | findByAaaTue | where aaa = true |
FALSE | findByAaaFalse | where aaa = false |
IgnoreCase | findByNameIgnoreCase | where UPPER(name)=UPPER(?) |
Tags: jpa
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